Saturday, April 2, 2011

Event today and tomorrow (not for me, but looks like fun!!)

I am going to be attending an event at Town Center Mall today that looks great!! It is being hosted by some great people (some of whom I hope to team up with in the future for more fundraising events..!) Here is the blurb they wrote up about it:
Come see the pink Firetruck, Police Cruiser and Ambulance and help us win the fight against cancer. Enjoy entertainment (all day both days), face painting and other activities. The Guardians of the Ribbon - SE GA Chapter will be bringing their pink firetruck and police cruiser for people to sign. All proceeds raised will go toward Team PINK-Komen Atlanta 5k. For more information, follow/visit the "Town Center Goes PINK" FB page.
It's a different team, and event, than I am participating in, but I hope local people can go and show them support!!